Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Best Part of Me

Hi all-

This week we read the book "The Best Part of Me" which included poems by students describing their favorite part of themselves. We asked our students to select their favorite part of themselves and give a reason why. Your students selected their brain to help them think, their mouths and noses so they could enjoy a yummy pie, and their hands to hug and love on their siblings. We continue to think and talk about all of the special parts of ourselves, strengths and challenges, that allow us each to contribute something unique to our classroom community. Here are some pictures from this fun activity!

Mrs. H

Monday, September 9, 2019

I PICK a Just Right book for me!

Hi all-

Another busy week has come and gone! On Thursday, our reading lesson was centered around how readers select a "Just Right" book for them. I compared it to selecting the "Just Right" shoe for a specific occasion. We read "Slipper books" when we want to sit back, relax, and not challenge ourselves. We read "Work boot books" when we want a good challenge, want to learn new things and must be prepared for anything. There are many books that are "Too small" and don't fit us anymore, which means they are too easy now. There are also books that feel a little big and don't fit us just YET! 

Your kiddos designed their own "Just Right" fit sneaker to decorate our reading corner. Ask them about the 5 finger rule! If they can put up 0-1 fingers for each word they don't know, that book is too small! If they are putting up 5+ fingers, that book may be too big. 

I am eager to watch these readers grow into bigger shoes and enjoy the "Slipper books". 

Mrs. H